Watermelon Juice

Summer has turned up, and the heat is on. So, it is time for us to sink into delicious, refreshing juices and stay hydrated from the sweltering heat. Watermelon stands out among the various fruits.

Watermelon is available throughout the world. It was initially cultivated in parts of Africa. Then the cultivation was spread all over the world. We must have noticed about 5 varieties of watermelon in the markets; however, it is said that there are about 1000 varieties of watermelon cultivated all over the world. Based on their form and color, watermelons come in a variety of kinds, including seedless watermelon, pink-colored watermelon, moon watermelon, and several others.

There are variations according to nativity. Possessing high-water content, watermelons are best-enjoyed during summer season. The natural sugar content is too low in watermelon, and hence, it renders energy to the body.

Watermelon has long been the fruit of choice for fruit enthusiasts. Watermelon juice is prepared distinctively in Chef Deena’s Kitchen.  For easier comprehension, the process is explained in full, step-by-step, with illustrations.

  • 1 1/2 kg
  • 10 to 15 grams
  • As Required
  • 1
    Slice off the watermelon's skin and cut the fruit into pieces.

  • 2
    Peel and roughly chop 10 to 15 grams of ginger and set aside.

  • 3
    Add instructed amount of Jaggery to a pan and pour required amount of water. Melt the Jaggery until it becomes syrup-like. Using a strainer, strain the prepared syrup.

  • 4
    To a mixer jar, add the cut Watermelon, followed by Ginger and Jaggery syrup, and blend without adding water.

  • 5
    Blending should be done every 5 seconds. Repeat for another 25 to 30 seconds.

  • 6
    After mixing, filter the obtained juice to remove the partially crushed seeds. Pour the strained juice into a glass and serve.

  • 7
    The delicious, super-tasty watermelon juice is now ready to enjoy.

About Me

Chef Deena

Chef Deena Dhayalan, famous for Adupankarai show in Jaya Tv and also for Anjaraipetti in Zee Tv is now in youtube on Chef Deena Kitchen (CDK) cooking traditional foods by visiting the traditional places