Potato Wedges

On any given day of the week, potatoes make a great side dish. Potatoes are a versatile ingredient in a wide variety of delectable cuisines.. A potato-based snack will definitely get the party going. 

Potato wedges are a popular and delicious snack made from potatoes that are a fantastic option for a snack. Around the world, people love potato wedges, which come with a range of sauces and dips. The wedges come with a variety of toppings, including sweet chilli sauce, mayonnaise, sour cream, honey mustard sauce, and ketchup. These wedges are typically seasoned with a variety of seasonings, including salt, pepper, and other spices.

For ease of comprehension, the step-by-step instructions for this preparation are provided with photographs. 

  • 500 grams
  • 3 Tbsp
    Maida/ All Purpose Flour
  • 2 Tbsp
    Corn flour
  • 1 Tsp
    Chopped garlic
  • 1 1/2 Tbsp
    Chilli flakes
  • 1 Tbsp
    Mixed Dry Herbs
  • 2 Tbsp
    Coriander Leaves
  • 1 Tsp
    Black pepper powder
  • To Taste
  • For Frying
  • 1
    Select Potatoes that are of high quality and freshness, then peel and cut them into wedges. For five minutes, submerge the potatoes in ice or cold water.

  • 2
    After transferring the Potatoes to regular water, light the stove. Add in the necessary amount of salt and bring the Potatoes to a boil, either 60–70% or 50–60%.

  • 3
    After boiling the Potatoes for 60–70% of their total cooking time, move them to a tray and let them cool at room temperature.

  • 4
    Add Corn flour, Coriander leaves, and Maida to a bowl. Mix well after adding the Chilli flakes, Black Pepper powder, Minced garlic, Mixed dry herbs, and Salt.

  • 5
    After combining the dry ingredients, add a small amount of Butter or Oil. Start with just a little of water at this step and add more as necessary. The batter must be stirred until it thickens and becomes lump-free.

  • 6
    Boil the potatoes and add them to the batter, stirring everything together well. Once the oil is hot, add the coated wedges one at a time and fry them. Deep-fry till golden brown.

  • 7
    The mouthwatering potato wedges maintain their soft center and crunchy exterior.

About Me

Chef Deena

Chef Deena Dhayalan, famous for Adupankarai show in Jaya Tv and also for Anjaraipetti in Zee Tv is now in youtube on Chef Deena Kitchen (CDK) cooking traditional foods by visiting the traditional places